13/02/2024 5 minuti
Phimotic ring: what it is and how it can be treated
To fully understand foreskin stretching and the treatment of phimosis, it is helpful to know some basics about the phimotic ring.
In the case of a tight foreskin, it means that the foreskin has what is commonly known as a “phimotic ring” or “phimotic band,” which prevents the foreskin from freely retracting back and forth over the glans and crown. The phimotic ring essentially acts as a “choke” and makes it impossible for the foreskin to slide over the glans.
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What is phimotic ring?
The phimotic ring is a thin but narrow nonelastic ring present in the foreskin that, in individuals with phimosis, prevents its complete retraction.
Phimosis can have two different origins: congenital and acquired. The former is present in youth, when the foreskin tends not to grow as much as the penis and does not allow the glans to be uncovered normally. In congenital phimosis there is no real phimotic ring present, as there is and is clearly visible in acquired phimosis.
In the presence of a phimotic ring, the foreskin can be retracted only up to the surface covered by the phimotic band. If you try to go beyond that, you will experience pain and discomfort. If you try to forcibly retract the foreskin beyond the surface of the phimotic ring, you may cause what is known as paraphimosis – which should be avoided at all costs – or, if you try to forcibly retract, small tears on the phimotic ring, thus proving counterproductive.

Phimotic ring: how does it form?
The phimotic ring is that part of phimotic tissue with inelastic cells that is created around the foreskin after an infection, especially in cases of acquired phimosis.
In most cases, the onset of phimosis occurs in adulthood as a result of a late or improperly treated infection. As a result of infection, a ring of increasingly inelastic cells begins to form on the foreskin, which can harden over time to create a veritable “noose” around the glans.
Phimotic ring and paraphimosis
As we have already noted, the phimotic ring can become a real “noose” around the glans: in the worst cases we see a strangulation of the glans so severe that emergency intervention is needed.
In these cases we refer to paraphimosis, which occurs when the foreskin, once retracted behind the glans, cannot be returned to its original position. This situation can cause difficult blood circulation in the glans and lead to edema or potential complications if not treated promptly.

Stretching phimotic ring: why to avoid it
Many online articles describe stretching exercises for phimosis that they claim can help treat this condition. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims and, on the contrary, these stretching exercises for phimosis can damage the penis and worsen the situation.
Stretching exercises for phimosis not only offer nothing in terms of improving the situation, but can even complicate it. One wrong move can permanently damage the foreskin, causing infection, scarring, or worsening the symptoms of phimosis. Forcing the phimotic ring creates small tears that can become infected and go on to make the phimotic tissue even harder.
It is essential to seek medical attention. They will help you correctly diagnose your phimosis, as well as discuss safe and appropriate measures to treat this condition.
Treats Phimosis without Circumcision
Phimostop is a medical device composed of 22 medical silicone elements designed to help resolve phimosis, a condition in which the foreskin cannot be fully retracted onto the glans of the penis.
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How to treat phimotic tissue
In cases of acquired phimosis, physicians recommend circumcision surgery, a well-established practice that is performed as an in-day hospital procedure. This surgery consists of surgical removal of the foreskin or the individual part involved by the phimotic tissue, by total or partial circumcision.
The practice of circumcision certainly goes a long way toward eliminating the problem of phimosis, but it does not take into account a whole series of physical and psychological consequences that a patient faces. Subjecting one’s penis to surgery is never easy: circumcision, therefore, should only be considered in emergency cases and only when it is completely unavoidable.
Phimostop was created precisely to provide an alternative to phimosis surgery: thanks to its 22 hypoallergenic and soft medical silicone tubes, it helps treat phimosis without circumcision surgery.
Phimostop: how it acts on the phimotic ring
Through the use of a series of specially designed elements, called tuboids, Phimostop acts precisely on the phimotic ring. The action of the medical device is focused on the inelastic cells of the phimotic tissue, and due to a constant and mild dilation process, the inelastic cells are thinned and give way to new elastic cells.
The creation of new elastic cells soon allows the foreskin to slide freely over the glans again without any more impediments and constrictions, exactly as in the situation before the onset of phimosis.
Phimostop consists of 22 tuboids specially designed to follow the anatomy of the glans, which allow progressive dilating action over the phimotic ring. The tuboids can be easily worn and thanks to a specially designed and patented fixation system, they can be held throughout the day, leaving the patient free to practice any activity.
Phimostop is the only medical device for the treatment of phimosis validated by the Ministry of Health and tested by clinical research conducted by the Polyclinic of Tor Vergata University in Rome with international publication in “Translational Andrology and Urology.”
Phimostop represents the only medical device approved by the Italian Ministry of Health for the non-surgical treatment of phimosis.
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