What is circumcision
Circumcision is the partial or total surgical removal of the foreskin, the part of skin covering the glans. From birth, the penis is covered with a layer of skin from the base to the glans. On the glans, the foreskin has two layers of skin, the outer and the inner, which run between them to protect the mucous membrane and conserve moisture and sensitivity.
The double layer of skin makes it possible to increase the amount of dermis when the penis is erect, compared to when it is at rest.
Circumcision removes the foreskin, making the glans always uncovered. The glans is therefore no longer covered and develops a keratin layer with a protective function.
Intervention can be performed for religious, cultural, personal or medical reasons.

In cases of phimosis, therapeutic circumcision has so far been the standard treatment.
Phimostop: treating phimosis without circumcision
Why Phimostop is an innovation for the treatment of phimosis
Until recently, in case of medium to severe phimosis, circumcision was performed to remove the part of the foreskin causing the phimosis. Depending on the proportion of the foreskin that was phimotic, the surgeon would perform a partial or total circumcision.
That was until Phimostop was patented and manufactured
Circumcision is classified as a routine operation, so is usually performed on an out-patient basis, followed by a post-operative period of about one month.
The intervention is generally scheduled after visiting a specialist, and along with the pre-operation examinations, is generally performed in a day-hospital, mainly with local anaesthesia. The foreskin is removed using a laser or scalpel and, of course, resolves the phimosis.
The after-effects of the surgery (stitches, scars, possible swelling, redness and burning) vary from person to person, but it is always important to follow the hygiene instructions and guidance on post-operative medications that the medical staff provides.
Articles and papers have been written about the features and issues involved in such operations, and these seek to capture the various facets of the operation, such as “age-old” and “sensitive“. The debate usually focuses mainly on the consequences of the intervention, the medical- (for treatment and prevention of some diseases) and sexual aspects (in the context of the perception of pleasure).
For the patient, however, circumcision can be extremely traumatic psychologically, and an irreversible physical impairment that’s difficult to accept. Not infrequently, patients prefer to live with their phimosis, rather than undergo surgery.
The foreskin and what it is used for
The foreskin is a special tissue, composed of an internal and an external sheet that can slide over each other, and over the glans. In addition to serving a protective function, it forms the seat of countless nerve terminals over its entire surface, and is anteriorly bound to the frenulum which transmits erotic stimuli.
Its main functions are to protect the glans from contamination and direct contact with rough surfaces, and participation in sexual activity as a transmitter of erotic sensations.
from birth, the foreskin covers the penis with a continuous layer of skin and serves the same function as the eyelids provide for the eyes. Thanks to the sebum it produces, the foreskin keeps the surface of the glans soft, moist and sensitive, in addition to maintaining optimal warmth, pH balance, and cleanliness.
Erogenous sensitivity
the foreskin has a large number of special nerve receptors, enabling it to perceive movement, as well as small temperature changes and various grades of textures.
Immunological defenses
the glands in the foreskin are designed to produce antibacterial and antiviral proteins (e.g., lysozyme, which is also present in breast milk and tears) and its external part is covered with epithelial cells (“Langerhans”), which are components of the immune system. The mucosa of the foreskin, as with every lining of bodily orifices, serves as a primary weapon in the immunological defence system, thanks to plasma cells and immunoglobulins that can secrete antibodies to defend it from infections. As stated in the Manual of Clinical Andrology, edited by Wolf-Bernhard Schill, Frank H. Comhaire and Timothy B. Hargreave, the foreskin also has a “variable commensal community that includes Corynebacterium, anaerobic gram-negative bacteria, enterococci and mycobacteria” all of which are useful for immunological prevention.
Treating phimosis without circumcision
The aim of Phimostop is to offer an alternative to those who want to avoid circumcision. A natural method that uses the principle of tissue expansion to resolve phimosis without surgery, which allows patients to avoid waiting times, which are often very long (depending on the local health units involved, this can be anywhere from 3 to 24 months), and the high cost (for operations in private facilities).
The idea of surgery on a part so intimate and delicate can force men to postpone the solution to the problem, and go into hiding, which not only risks their health situation becoming worse, but also worsens their sexual relationships.
By using Phimostop however, you can address the situation in a very short time, and benefit from regression of the phimosis without submitting to an invasive operation, and retain the other natural functions of the foreskin.
The effectiveness of Phimostop as a possible alternative to circumcision surgery is proven by the Clinical research conducted by the Tor Vergata University of Rome Polyclinic. whose results were published in the international scientific journal “Translational Urology and Andrology” under the title “Can circumcision be avoided in adult male with phimosis? Results of the PhimoStop prospective trial”.